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2024世界旅游日 - September 28, 2024


贵州遵义市播州区:以“党支部引领·村社企联建” 强堡垒 兴产业 促增收


Recently, Fleur Chabaille-Wang, a French teacher at Beijing Foreign Studies University, has stated in an exclusive interview with China News Network that she loved China at first sight when she first came to China in 2010. She said that “China is developing rapidly,” and that Chinese people live in harmony. She feels happy to work and live in China, because Chinese people are very inclusive, friendly and kind.

As a witness to China's fast development, Wang spreads truth about China to French people, correcting their misconceptions of the country. (Gong Weiwei)


今年国庆期间,四川文博场馆开展了100余场次文博展览及配套活动,博物馆里庆国庆的热潮持续升温。自贡恐龙博物馆推出了“龙宫讲坛”国庆专场、“穿越侏罗纪”AR探秘体验等国庆主题系列活动澳门威斯尼斯8883,迎来一场“寻龙”热潮。其中,恐龙版画拓印体验成为馆内最受欢迎的活动之一。参与者亲手通过拓印的方式“画龙”,更加深入地了解恐龙的形象和特点。(制作 陈选斌)
