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本月更新1344  文章总数59791  总浏览量2341086

“科技+”赋能传统文化 各地不断释放假期消费“新”活力


第六届“粤来粤有趣”收官 逾千青年创拍两岸梦想终决三甲


Recently, Fleur Chabaille-Wang, a French teacher at Beijing Foreign Studies University, has stated in an exclusive interview with China News Network that she loved China at first sight when she first came to China in 2010. She said that “China is developing rapidly,” and that Chinese people live in harmony. She feels happy to work and live in China, because Chinese people are very inclusive, friendly and kind.

As a witness to China's fast development, Wang spreads truth about China to French people, correcting their misconceptions of the country. (Gong Weiwei)

